A LUT (Lookup Table) is essentially the modifier between two images, the original image and the displayed image, based on a mathematical formula.

A Look-Up Table (LUT) is a file with CUBE or 3DL extension, containing math instructions to replace a color (based on RGB value) by another one. It's like a color grading preset. This process is done pixel by pixel with a very high accuracy.
These LUTs are compatible with almost all photo and video editing apps and can be applied on the images made from any cameras.
There are different types of LUTS – viewing, transform, calibration, 1D and 3D. The three colorists go into a lot of detail on all them

Creating a LUT
If I want to create a new LUT (look), in general I ask the same questions to myself as if I was creating a LUT for a client:

* What is the type (genre) of the movie / video project.
* What is the mood of the movie or video.
* Are there any colors or tones that I want to highlight.
* What kind of a look / atmosphere do I want (dreamy, faded, clear, contrasty, etc.)
I analyze the footage of the movie I have shot and find the answers to this question. To edit and color grade I use

If the genre of the movie is action or drama, and the mood is emotional or dramatic, I like to highlight the colors green, blue and its tones.

LookLabs Round Table - 1D LUTs vs 3D LUTs